No Photoshop!


This is:

a. What I saw in my dreams last night after eating way too much really spicy jambalaya at The Long-Suffering Wife’s birthday dinner

b. What I saw in the mirror this morning when I was awake this morning after eating way too much really spicy jambalaya at The Long-Suffering Wife’s birthday dinner

c. Something bizarre which truly did involve no PhotoShop manipulation – because I haven’t yet re-installed PhotoShop on my new computer so I had to see what IrfanView could do with it

d. A combination of infrared and gamma ray images of Donald Trump’s hair.

e. Art

f. All of the above

Show your work.


Filed under Art, Photography

2 responses to “No Photoshop!

  1. berich56

    Picasso’s pink period cubist meltdown. That’s the best that I could do! :-}

    Liked by 1 person

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