
Remember when The Long-Suffering Wife and I went to New York City in August and I posted daily “teaser” panoramas (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here?

Remember how I’ve ranted about how digital photography makes it much easier for any idiot (i.e., me) to take good pictures because you just take hundreds and hundreds and statistically it’s very likely that one or two will suck less than the norm?

Remember how I kept saying while I was in New York that I would be sharing lots of those pictures?

Well, I will be. Soon.

The big problem with operating this way is keeping track of all of those digital pictures and then sorting through them to see WHICH ones suck less than the norm.

I finally finished getting all of the pictures downloaded and organized from one of the five (six?) cameras that I was carrying.

I hope that it won’t take another ten to twelve weeks to get the images downloaded and organized from the rest of them.

What I really need is a really good AI program to do all of the grunt work. Or I need to clone myself. Or I need to clone myself into an AI program! Or two. Or three.

Think of the possibilities!



Filed under Panorama, Photography, Travel

2 responses to “Post-Processing

  1. Or try to get a project at Planet Zooniverse to take them on?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Looking forward to seeing more photos! And if you figure out the clone thing, let me know!

    Liked by 1 person

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