Green California

We drove back from Milpitas/San Jose to Los Angeles today. We took the 101 down since it’s a much more pleasant and scenic drive than the straight, flat, and boring rampage down on I-5.

What was overwhelmingly obvious no matter where you looked is that the record rains this winter have turned California GREEN. Not “green” as in “spring’s here,” GREEN as in “did we take a wrong turn and end up in Ireland?”

The bad news, of course, is that sooner or later (it will be sooner) all of this verdant new growth will bake and turn brown and be tinder for a record brush fire season. Record brush fire seasons always follow record rainfall seasons, just as the spring follows the winter.


Filed under Photography, Travel

2 responses to “Green California

  1. I know what you mean. I went to the ‘Red Centre’ of Australia in their wettest year for decades. It was amazing… all that vegetation! But the shrimp-like things in the puddles – they were mind-blowing. How long had they waited to hatch?

    Liked by 1 person

    • We have those out here as well. Up at Edwards Air Force Base, which is on a massive dry lake bed where I’ve visited for a couple of NASA Socials, they have a real problem with the smell when they hatch, spawn, die, and rot.


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