Water Gems

I had to swing by the office this morning to do a quick drop off and pick up of documents. (Only so much you can do remotely.) As I left, the light was just perfect outside to have a gazillion water droplets shining like gems on the decorative tall grass that grows there.

Click on the pictures to see them full-sized! In the thumbnail it looks like a white powder, but full-sized you’ll see what I’m talking about.

I’m sure it isn’t dew, technically. It’s way too dry here, although there have been some coastal clouds and it’s been cooler the last few days.

No, this will be the work of the sprinklers.

The source of the moisture or the method of application don’t matter, however. Physics is physics.

Long, thin, wispy grasses mixed with misty water result in droplets hanging everywhere.

Add a little bit of indirect light and some shadows and you’ve got one of those little pleasures in life that I’ve been talking about!


Filed under Photography

3 responses to “Water Gems

  1. I saw something similar last week: tree sparkles! It had rained about 30mins earlier, the sun was out and I caught sight of the water droplets twinkling on top of the trees (from apartment balcony). So pretty!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ronnie

    What great pictures


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