Someplace Special – February 28th

UC Davis, Picnic Day, Battle of the Bands

(This was a great day – not perfect, but great. Picnic Day is a fun tradition at UC Davis and I went to visit when my daughter was in college there. A parade in the morning, ball games in the afternoon, food and booths and music and the usual crap everywhere, with the Battle of the Bands next to the lake in the afternoon. It went on forever and ever with bands from Davis, Berkeley, UC Irvine (my alma mater), Cal State Sacramento, and probably another one or two I’m forgetting. It would be wonderful to go back someday when I’m not so freakin’ busy.)


Filed under Entertainment, Music, Photography

2 responses to “Someplace Special – February 28th

  1. johwee

    April 21st if you want to YOLO it šŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

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