Moving Out & Moving On – May 24th

Five days to go. Escrow closes next Tuesday.

Probably 97% to 98% of everything is out of the old house. Much of it to the new house (which will be lovely when the boxes of stuff piled everywhere have been dealt with), much of it to storage (which will be it’s own little version of semi-functional Hell for a while), and way more than I expected to the trash.

I’ve now filled four of the nine cubic yard bins, with another bin on its way for tomorrow. Not to mention all of the stuff that’s been taken away by the regular trash pickup every Friday, our trash barrels filled to overflowing every week.

And then there are the little surprises…


Hell, if I had know that was in there I would have cleaned out that back corner of the garage decades ago!


Filed under Castle Willett, Photography

3 responses to “Moving Out & Moving On – May 24th

  1. Don’t you dare use it without training, or you won’t need to buy that Chiefs shirt you posted the other day :O

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mark

    I hope you didn’t throw out all the baseball cards and valuable collectibles I gave you before I went into the army. You were supposed to hold those safely for your younger brother. I believe all those rookie cards would be worth quite a bit now.
    Also, had you found that chainsaw a long time ago we would now be calling you one-armed Paul.

    Liked by 1 person

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