Fine Feathered Friends – Red-Shouldered Hawk

Earlier this week there was a pair of red-shouldered hawks flying overhead, screaming, upsetting our local pair of red-tailed hawks, who promptly drove them off.

They’re back! I went out to the kitchen to get a soda and heard them screaming. I assumed that they were flying around again so I grabbed the camera. One was circling, but the other was roosting in the pine tree in the neighbor’s yard.

It camoflauges very well, doesn’t it? But you can see that pattern of black and white stripes on its wings, as well as the legendary red shoulder.

It was obliging enough to hop around so I could see it from the front.

Given that look, I’m glad that I’m not a squirrel or a mourning dove, a.k.a., “lunch.”

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