All Night Long

Here it is, your standard issue, dimestore model male Northern Mockingbird, found year-around almost anywhere in North America except for the very most northern tier of states, Washington to Minnesota.

That jaunty tail, the grey stripes, the flash of white under the wings when it’s in flight… Common and unmistakable.

But most recognizeable of all is its song(s). They have a standard repertoire which is easily recognizeable, but they’re also incredible mimics and can learn to imitate everything from the local stray cats to car alarms.

And the males almost never shut up.

I’ve almost always loved hearing them and they’ve never before bothered me at night, even though they drove my first wife crazy. But now, there’s one in particular that sits outside of our bedroom all freakin’ night long EVERY NIGHT and goes on and on and on and on… This means it’s probably a young male trying to find a mate,  and I can understand the desire. But at this point I wonder what I can do to help move the process along.

Can I hire a mockingbird matchmaker? Can I hire a mockingbird prostitute? I’m open to options!

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