Ascutney, Yet Again

It was a lovely day, clear, sunny, not too hot. Our final full day in Vermont for this trip, and I once again wanted to get to the top of the observation tower on top of Mount Ascutney. Not hiking one of the base-to-summit trails of three or four miles and about 3,000 feet in elevation gain, I did the trail from the upper parking lot, 0.7 miles and about 300 feet in elevation.

Piece o’ cake, right? What, 20-30 minutes up? 15 back down? FOOL!!!

True, a lot of the trail does look like this:

But A LOT more than I remembered looks like this:

So 1:19 after leaving the parking lot, with the nice park ranger asking if I would like her to take my picture and did I need oxygen, I was there!

It was clear enough to glimpse Mount Washington, 115 miles away.

It then took me 35 minutes to get down, taking care to not shatter a leg, twist an ankle, or go ass over teakettle over the side of a ravine. I survived!

Who knows if I’ll be able to do this again in five or ten years, but on THIS day I was triumphant!

1 Comment

Filed under Photography, Travel

One response to “Ascutney, Yet Again

  1. berich56

    It was good that we got you back in shape, walking parade routes and hiking up mountains. Vermont Strong :-}

    Have a safe, boring trip back to Cali.

    Liked by 1 person

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