Flash Fiction Challenge (Micro-Sized This Week)

It’s Thursday, which traditionally demands the publishing of whatever I’ve written for Chuck Wendig’s weekly Flash Fiction Challenge. Once again, possibly because of many of Chuck’s Legion of Disciples ™ are sweating through a NaNoWriMo novel this month, this week’s Challenge is short and simple. Write a story’s first line, no more than fifteen words. Next week we’ll all use someone else’s first line to write our weekly stories, and there’s a prize (Chuck’s new book) for the author of the first line that gets used by the most other people. My submitted first line is:

Marley was not dead no matter what Scrooge said, and I doubted he would be.

When it doubt, study how the masters do it — then borrow, imitate, and twist it around a bit.

In other  major news of the season, I saw my first Christmas lights of the season tonight! Someone about four blocks from home has a few strands of those pale, pastel LED lights up along with a huge star over the garage. My cells all long to join in the festivities and start stringing up our multiple megawatts of magnificence — but the NaNoWriMo project calls, and we probably still have that Mrs. Kravitz wannabe in the neighborhood who anonymously gets their nose out of whack if the lights go up before Thanksgiving or aren’t taken down by mid-January. So for now, the lights lurk in the garage, waiting, lusting, hungering for the night, striving to call 737’s down from the sky…

Two more weeks.

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