The Roses Groweth & The Roses Flyeth Away

There are houses we looked at this weekend who had large lots (up to 2.22 acres) and were 99% dirt (zoned for raising horses usually) and those with more reasonably sized lots (about 1/2 acre). Some of the smaller lots were also “desert landscaping” (i.e. dirt & rock & cactus) but most had lots of landscaping (or astroturf – water’s rationed and expensive in the desert) and almost all had lots of roses.

This is a good thing! But no matter how much you grow roses, it doesn’t take much wind to start scattering petals, and there’s a LOT of wind up there in the desert. So there will be a lot of this going on. And probably no gardener to take care of them, so there’s another challenge and learning curve for me!

Do they have “Raising Roses 101” classes at the community college?

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