
One of the goals of our weekend trip to the Apple Valley / Hesperia region was to not eat at any fast food or national chain restaurants, but instead to eat at local, mom-and-pop style restaurants. We did that!

One of the meals was at a 50’s themed diner along what was once Route 66.

While there I got to thinking about nostalgia and how misguided and just plain wrong it can be. We have this whole warm and fuzzy thing going on about the 1950’s thanks to “Happy Days,” “Back To The Future,” and the like (“Peggy Sue Got Married” is a favorite of mine) but I was there. We had polio and measles and the Korean War and civil rights horrors and women were truly second class citizens and the Cold War and a lot of stuff sucked really bad! We think about Marilyn Monroe and James Dean and the birth of rock ‘n’ roll, which is fine, but it’s not the whole picture. It was not a more innocent time!

One thing that I’ve always loved from that era is the use of glass blocks as an architectural element. I love the look, especially if you can get some color or colored light coming through. I was glad to see several of the houses we looked at using it, particularly in bathrooms and shower settings.

In 2100, seventy-five years from now, will there be 2020’s-themed restaurants and movies? Will they glorify the era of Taylor Swift and the MCU and Teslas while ignoring the existence of Trump, COVID, and the Ukraine invasion?

Will anyone still be around to remember or celebrate anything at all in 2100? “Of course!” but if we’re not careful…

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Filed under Paul, Photography, Politics, Travel

One response to “Nostalgia

  1. N-O-S-T-A-L-G-I-A, noun, a bittersweet longing for a past time when I knew how to freakin’ SPELL! Or at least had the common sense to double check on that odd and nagging “something seems off here” feeling before I hit “Publish”!!!


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