Category Archives: Paul


I’ve been REALLY busy all day, a tight deadline looming.

On the one hand, I knew that SpaceX had a Vandenberg launch scheduled for tonight, and it was going to be right at sunset so it had a good chance of being spectacular, but then I got a notice that it had been bumped by a couple hours to 21:30-ish. I didn’t even know exactly what time, and I was TOTALLY heads-down in the deadline tasks.

Until, at about 21:45-ish, the wall and west-facing window in my office gave a good, sharp, shake and rattle from the sonice boom from the Falcon 9 that had launched and gone supersonic off of the Ventura coast about t6hirteen minutes earlier.

I’ve heard it before when I’ve been listening for it, but for some reason, when I was NOT expecting it, it seems so much louder and more distinct.

I love living “near” (100+ miles) a freakin’ spaceport!!!

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Filed under Paul, Space

Goodbye Hockey Playoff Beard

There’s a tradition in hockey of growing a “playoff beard” from the time your team gets into the playoffs until they are eliminated or win the Stanley Cup.

As a loyal LA Kings fan, I’ve NEVER done this for two reasons. First, because I HATE having a beard. It’s scratchy, it itches, and I look terrible. Secondly, while I might be the least vain person on the planet when it comes to how I look, really and truly not giving a rat’s patootie about what I look like 99% of the time, I believe that with a scraggly, thin, grey beard I look like a homeless dude far more than I look like Santa Claus or Duke Leto Atreides. It’s BAAAAAD.

So, as my beloved Kings got eliminated from the playoffs tonight in five games, while the Vuvuzela of Victory is sad and will no longer sing this year until the NFL season starts in September, when the game ended at 22:00, by 22:15 the beard was gone, painfully.

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Filed under LA Kings, Paul, Photography


Yesterday was WLTSTF’s 11th Anniversary/Birthday.

One thing I’ve mentioned from time to time is that when you start posting on WordPress day after day, you start getting these little “attaboy!”s where they define the number of “days in a row” that you’ve posted as posting before midnight in your local, home time zone. If you post something at 12:01 or 12:10 or 12:30 or whatever, it doesn’t matter, by their definition it breaks the streak.

I’m simple minded about such thing and love the attaboy!s, so it becomes something of an obsession.

With last night’s post I was at 813 days in a row…

It’s now 12:09 and nine minutes ago, buried deep into calculatinging timesheets and doing data entry for payroll, my watch went “DING!” indicating that it was midnight, and in an instant I realized that I had completely forgotten to write up something or find a photo for today’s post.


Time to start over…

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Filed under Paul, Writing

Random Old Photos – April 26th

Rain. An empty street. Little or no color. What comes next?

Is there a rainbow? Or a flood?

Blue skies & puffy clouds? Or lightning, thunder, hail, destruction?

If we only knew then what we know now.

If we only knew today what we’ll know in six years.

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Filed under Deep Thoughts, Paul, Photography

Road Weather

Two days back home and this weekend I’m going to try to go through the eclipse photos and see what’s good. There’s got to be at least one or two, right? Statistical fluctuations and all of that!

In the meantime, because I like pictures of clouds and storms and potentially violent weather, enjoy these pictures from Tuesday on the trip from Kerrville to Tucson.

Here are some mammatus clouds. They’re supposed to be a sign of particularly violent weather, the boiling bottom of a big thunderhead cell. (These were, no “supposed to be” about it.)

This panoramic view of a freaking huge thunderstorm supercell should have been like Gandalf standing there, blocking the road, bellowing, “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” I passed anyway.

As for the eclipse photos that I need to sort through and clean up, I suspect that the videos might be better than the still photos. Mistakes were made.

On the other hand, remember the T-shirt that I was wearing? (Picture here.) I may crop that a little, find a place that does custom T-shirts, and have this image of me printed on there with a caption that says, “Hello DORKness, My Old Friend!” I mean, if the shoe fits!

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Filed under Panorama, Paul, Photography, Travel, Weather

Sixty-Eight & Six

I have rarely gotten too agitated about birthdays, but there was definitely something going on with this one. For the last month I’ve just had this growing “itch” at the back of my brain whenever I thought about last week’s birthday coming up, but for the life of me I couldn’t figure it out. Until last weekend, just before my birthday.

In short, last Tuesday I turned sixty-eight years old. Today it’s six days after that birthday. But last weekend, I realized that my father had died of a massive heart attack five days after his sixty-eighth birthday.

I’ve always thought that the human brain and consciousness is pretty amazing and there are depths there that we haven’t begun to plumb. But having my subconscious brain apparently be aware of that connection (which is what I firmly believe was going on) while my conscious brain was clueless is just bizarre. And how my subconscious finally got the message across to my conscious side is even more bizarre.

Let me state for the record that I’m not a believer at all in ghosts, the afterlife, spectral messengers, and the like. The Long-Suffering Wife is a believer and she has her own opinion on what happened. We’re going to have to agree to disagree on that. But still…

Two days before my birthday, I woke up in the middle of the night with an extremely vivid dream. In the dream I was doing my upcoming drive to Texas for the eclipse and I had stopped after dark in a remote, almost empty diner. The only other patron in the diner was a sad, lonely woman who wanted to talk to me while I ate, then wanted to come with me to see the eclipse. Her name was Connie Navarro.

Her name was important in the context of the dream, important enough so that I wrote it down when I woke up from the dream, then went and Googled it when I got up. I did not recognize the name at all, don’t know anyone by that name, and to the best of my knowledge I have never heard it before.

Surprise! “Connie Navarro” brings up a LOT of hits online, almost all about one woman. She and a friend, Susan Jory, were both murdered in 1983 in Bel Air by a jealous boyfriend when she broke up with him. He was convicted and given the death sentence, later commuted to life without possibility of parole. Connie’s notable also because of her son, Dave Navarro, who was a guitarist with Jane’s Addiction and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

One of the websites I found near the top of the search results was highlighted. You know how the link is purple instead of blue when you’ve been to that site before? The website was for the and it had a memorial page for Connie Navarro. I went to it and then I was curious where I had ever gone to this site before. I didn’t remember that. But there was a “login” button and it found an account for my email address. When I connected, it took me to information about my father’s gravesite in Orange County. Which had his birthdate and date of death. And his age at death – 68.

Um… yeah.

That will leave you sitting there thinking for a few. On the one hand, it’s good to finally understand what’s been tickling your subconscious. And the sense of relief that swept over me left little doubt that I had indeed found the answer to the puzzle that I didn’t even know I was solving. On the other hand…

Twilight Zone | Twilight zone, Twilight, Twilight zone episodes

You can’t make this shit up. Okay, yeah, you can, but I didn’t.


Today it’s the sixth day after my 68th birthday. I’ve officially lived longer than my father did. And I’ve had either an extremely fascinating experience or an extremely spooky one. Probably both.

One thing I remember my dad always mentioning, usually with a bit of humor mixed in, was to be cautious and pay attention whenever I feel “an impending sense of doom.” (You need to hear that phrase in the kidding-around-with-a-five-year-old-son “dad voice,” which I’m sure most of you did already.) I learned what he meant and I’ve often had experiences where something’s “off” that I can’t quite put my finger on. Usually that’s something relatively minor, like messing up a report or attaching the wrong file to an email. I’ve gotten good at hitting the brakes, listening to my subconscious, and doing a last double check to catch those kinds of errors. It has paid off.

This was bigger. More doom. Better quality doom. Nothing but the finest doom for my sixty-eighth birthday!

I’m listening. I just wish my subconscious would take a more simple, more direct route to tell me what’s up.

On the other hand, did I mention that for my birthday I found a truly excellent stick? I didn’t see that coming either.

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Filed under Curiosities, Deep Thoughts, Family, Paul, Photography

68 With A Stick

It’s a really excellent stick. Ausgezeichnet, so to speak.

First of all, today is my birthday, I’m now 68.

But why the stick? (Despite the fact that it’s an excellent stick!)

A few days ago I scanned past a post on some social media site or the other and saw a picture of a guy with a stick. It was a nice stick, a very nice stick. He had been out for a walk, had found the stick along the way, and had picked it up and was taking it home because when he was a little kid, if he was out playing and he found a very nice stick, he would pick it up to play with and take home. And he was betting that all of us would have done the same. AND HE WAS RIGHT!

The bigger point was that we had changed as adults, and not necessarily for the better. We had lost the ability to be playful, to find joy in simple things, to just pick up that stick and play with it and take it home just because it was COOL! He was reclaiming that childhood wonder. He was going to play with the stick! It was his! He found it, fair and square! He was going to take it home!

I was impressed. And inspired.

And then, that very afternoon, I found an excellent stick in our front yard. (It’s been windy.) And while contemplating my advancing age and impending natal day celebration, I realized that this was a *SIGN*.

So here I am, 68, with my stick. What kind of stick? A really excellent stick. (Pay attention. Work with me here. It’s probably either a midlife crisis or a stroke.)


Filed under Farce, Paul, Photography

One Finish Line Crossed

It’s been a busy few months…

Being in charge of an accounting department, the nature of the beast is that it’s one deadline after another. Monthly financial reports, annual budgets, audits, tax returns. It’s an endless cycle.

There are ebbs and flows. And as with wave motion in physics, sometimes the waves overlap, synchronize, and add together and you get hit with a monster.

Today was that deadline for me and it got met. Barely. As in, emailing out reports at 10:10 for a 10:15 meeting. But it’s good work, solid, everyone’s happy. The nature. The beast.

The feeling afterward really does feel like finishing a marathon. It might not be a triumph, might not be your personal best time, might not even be the time you trained for – but you finished.

From 2010, the first endurance event I ever tried, the Avon Walk in Santa Barbara, a marathon (walking, not running) on Saturday and a half-marathon on Sunday.

I feel like I should be scarfing down bananas and Gatorade…

Tomorrow the next race starts, the next turn of the cycle. As always, working toward smoothing out the troughs and crests, looking for some smoother sailing. But being ready to burn the midnight oil and go to Red Alert when the shit hits the fan.

There will be shit. There is a fan.

This is known.

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Filed under Deep Thoughts, Paul, Photography

Cutting It Close

Deadlines tomorrow, hours and hours and hours of head down, shoulder to the grindstone, nose to the wheel, not even sure what day of the week or time it is.

Thank god my watch beeps at me occasionally, so I can go, “Oh, shazzbatt!”

Fortunately, I have a steady supply of photos of me being goofy or wearing something bizarre or silly, be it an odd hat, sweatshirt, or a giant CHIEFS! onesie.

Having no sense of shame or embarrassment is the gift that keeps on giving!

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Filed under KC Chiefs, Paul, Photography

Accusatory Plumbing

That one! THAT pipe/valve/plumbing thingie is the one!

Also, SHIT! I’m getting age spots on my hands…

Which, I guess, beats the statistically most likely alternative.

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Filed under Health, Paul, Photography