Monthly Archives: May 2015

Flash Fiction: Carjacked

It’s been a while, since April 2nd to be precise. Things got a bit nuts through March, April, and May with the “Fifi” plus North Carolina plus Washington DC plus NASA thing. Something had to give, and unfortunately it was Chuck Wendig’s weekly Flash Fiction Challenge. This week, let’s dive back in, shall we? The Challenge is to write “2,000 words or so” featuring a car chase.

As always, comments and constructive criticisms are appreciated.


You know why they call it the “405” freeway? Because it takes “four o’ five” hours to get anywhere at all. I had been thinking that for at least the last half hour while I and about thirty thousand of my close, personal friends had crept along to cover almost two whole miles.

According to the traffic reports on the radio, some clown down around Wilshire had pulled out into the carpool lane right in front of a bus. He had been crawling along in traffic, while the carpool lane was tooling along at about sixty, and those double-double, yellow lines might have been there to prevent just this sort of thing.

The good news was that the folks on the bus would probably all live, as would the fine citizens in the twenty-plus cars that got collected by the flying wreckage. The clown? Not so lucky. Not that I and my thirty thousand close, personal friends were feeling sorry for him. We were already in the Sepulveda Pass with nowhere to exit and no alternate routes, so now we just sat and crawled along.

Which is why no one was more surprised than I was to hear there was a police chase coming up behind us.

Really? If there were cops behind someone in this mess, they had plenty of time to simply park and walk up to catch him. Which would have been true, except this new and improved moron was not playing with the same fifty-two as the rest of us.

There isn’t much of a center divider along that part of the freeway. Ever since they spent ten years doing a two-year improvement project to add the carpool lane I was stuck in, the center divider had been more of a suggestion than an actual place to park in case of an accident. With all of the K-rails there, it wasn’t like you could cheat much without a tank.

Nonetheless, they were reporting he was coming toward us, driving in the center divider lane past all of the stopped traffic. The car he had stolen was some kind of sub-subcompact and so far he was getting away with it. The CHP couldn’t possibly follow him with their patrol cars, so they had a couple of motorcycle cops following way back and multiple helicopters overhead.

Sure enough, looking in my mirrors, I could see the helicopters crossing over the 101 and heading up the hill. I started looking in my side mirror to see the guy coming past me, sort of wishing I had a handful of large ball bearings to toss in front of his windshield as he came by.

As he came around the curve and toward me he really wasn’t going that fast. As police chases went, this was somewhere between the one hundred miles per hour doozies we get and OJ’s low-speed chase in the white Bronco. He was moving pretty well, but only compared to all of the cars at a dead stop.

Imagine my surprise when the lady a couple cars behind me decided to be a superhero and pull out in front of him at the last second! The collision wasn’t anything from GTA or “Mad Max,” but there was an awful lot of noise. Not to mention all of the smoke and bits of metal flying about.

You’re never quite prepared for the amount of adrenaline that gets squeezed into your system in response to that noise. If any of us had been falling asleep in our special traffic nightmare before, we were all wide awake and alert now.

It probably only took about fifteen seconds for the smoke to clear, but it felt like much longer. Our heroine had managed to jam her front end in front of the getaway car so the bad guys had nowhere to go. Their car, her car, and the car in between her and me were all pretty well bent and combined into one interlocked mass that wouldn’t be going anywhere soon.

Amazingly, even though all the wreckage had been pushed into the car behind me, nothing seemed to have touched me or my car. I was just starting to have my, “Holy shit, I’ve got to be the luckiest guy in the city” moment when things went south.

One of the bad guys crawled out of the passenger side window and quickly took stock of the scene. His partner, the driver, was wedged in with the door up against the K-rail, so he wasn’t going anywhere fast. The motorcycle cops were making their move and coming up fast. He scrambled forward across the hood of the heroine’s car, back into the center divider, looking for options and not being too picky.

He grabbed at the handle on the driver’s side rear door, but it was of course locked. I hadn’t even seen the gun until I was staring down the barrel at close range.

“Open the car, NOW!”

Your brain does funny things in that situation. At least, mine does. I thought for a millisecond about trying to act like I didn’t speak English. I wondered if the glass was actually strong enough to stop the bullet. I wondered where in hell those motorcycle cops were. I wondered if this guy was high on something and if that would affect his aim.

“NOW!” he screamed.

The barrel of the gun was wavering a bit, but not enough to make him miss me at point blank range. A quick glance in the side mirror showed the cops way too far away. I hit the button to unlock the door. He jerked the door open and slid in, slamming the door behind him as he put the gun at the back of my neck.

“Drive! Move it, now! Go!”

But he hadn’t buckled his seat belt yet. And where was I supposed to go? Had he not noticed the massive traffic jam as he was cruising by it?

“Drive. Now. Or you die and I drive.” In an instant he had gotten really cold and calm. That scared me a lot more than when he was panicked and screaming.

It didn’t matter there wasn’t anywhere to go. Those rules didn’t apply to this situation. Logic and common sense had been suspended. I had no doubt that he would shoot me any second if I didn’t start driving.

So I drove.

There wasn’t quite enough room ahead for me to turn out into the center divider, but obviously that was going to be the least of the problems with this guy’s plan. A couple of quick taps on the bumper of the guy in front of me got him to creep forward the couple of inches I needed and we were out between the carpool lane and the center divider.

Not that we were in the clear. My mid-sized sedan was bigger than the subcompact he and his pal had been driving and it wasn’t at all obvious we had much of a route ahead of us. I started to accelerate as best I could, but in just seconds I had taken the mirrors off both sides of my car, as well as a couple of other cars’ in the carpool lane.

After we got over the top of the hill at Mulholland and started down the other side the center divider opened up a little and soon we were doing about forty-five past all of the stopped cars. I kept glancing in the rear-view mirror to see what my passenger was doing and hoping for the cavalry to show up in the form of those motorcycle cops.

They weren’t anywhere in sight, which had something of a calming effect on the guy with the gun. He kept looking for them, leaning forward on the edge of his seat, splitting his attention between the road ahead and possible pursuit behind. That kept him from noticing what I had noticed. Suddenly there were no cars coming northbound on the opposite side of the freeway.

Good or bad, something was happening.

We came around the last little left-hand curve near the Getty and I had a clear picture of what lay ahead. I hadn’t quite forgotten about the huge accident with the bus and the clown, but I now knew exactly where it was. A half mile ahead of me the center divider, carpool lane, and three lanes of traffic were all blocked by debris, fire trucks, ambulances. And police cars. Lots of police cars.

I could also see where the CHP had blocked all northbound lanes, which was now allowing several black & whites to come screaming up behind us, going southbound in the now empty northbound lanes. They were on the other side of the center divider, but it was as good as they could do.

My friendly neighborhood carjacker figured it all out at the same time I did, but he came to a different conclusion about what to do.

“Floor it! Faster! They’ll move. Go! Go! Go!”

Well, maybe, maybe not. If we hit that bus and debris at seventy or eighty miles an hour, I was going to die. If this lunatic shot me in the head, I was going to die. If the shooting started from the cops on the other side of the freeway, or the cops dead ahead of us, or for all I knew the cops above in the helicopters, I was going to die.

This seemed to be as good of a time as any to panic. Instead, I took what little shred of a plan I had and figured it was better than nothing.

I hit the gas, giving it everything my little Honda had. That was enough to rock my passenger back in his seat a bit, which in turn caused the gun to come off the back of my neck and point up toward the ceiling.

I immediately hit the brakes, hard, standing on the pedal with both feet. Simultaneously I dove to the right as best I could, trying to lay down across the front seats. That turned out to be a great move when the cops on the other side of the freeway pulled up next to us a half-second later. They cut loose with several quick shotgun blasts into the back seat of my car.

Needless to say, the car was a little bit out of control at this point. However, there wasn’t really anywhere for it to go except more or less straight ahead, caught in a slot between the center divider and the stranded cars in the carpool lane. We banged back and forth between them a few times and caused lots of damage to everyone’s side panels, but we didn’t flip or roll.

I just kept my feet on the brakes and hoped for the best. There was glass flying everywhere and the sounds were again really impressive. I didn’t know if the dude in the back seat was going to shoot me or if we would crash into the bus or if the cops were going to keep shooting or if the archangel Michael was going to appear to escort me away.

When the car shuddered to a stop I decided not to sit up quite yet. I had rolled the dice, let the next action come to me. It did, in the form of my door being yanked open and my beat up body being dragged away by two very large CHP cops. Meanwhile, all around were many others, all with their guns out, screaming at the back seat of my car.

They needn’t have bothered. The first shots across the center divider had worked quite well.

There were already lots of paramedics at the original crash scene so I didn’t have to wait long to see someone. In the end, I got away pretty lightly with just a broken wrist and an impressive collection of cuts and bruises.

I also found myself to be a local celebrity, getting more than my fifteen minutes of fame. I was on all of the local morning news shows, Jimmy Kimmel, and two weeks later I also got to throw out the first pitch at a Dodger’s game.

Los Angeles. You’ve gotta love this town!


Filed under Writing


Last Saturday there appeared an NPR interview with Shrinivas Kulkarni. Dr. Kulkarni is the McArthur Professor in Astronomy & Planetary Science at the California Institute of Technology. I’ve never met the man, but based just on what he’s written in his CalTech bio and the way he expresses himself in the NPR interview, he seems a reasonable person with a good sense of humor. Granted, it’s a very limited data set.

In that interview, Kulkarni has a somewhat whimsical quote when talking about being a professional astronomer.

“We astronomers are supposed to say, ‘We wonder about the stars and we really want to think about it,’ ” says Kulkarni — in other words, think deep thoughts. But he says that’s not really the way it is.

“Many scientists, I think, secretly are what I call ‘boys with toys,’ ” he says. “I really like playing around with telescopes. It’s just not fashionable to admit it.”

I probably would have never heard of this interview, or if I had, I probably wouldn’t have paid much attention based on the article that NPR put online. But in the audio version broadcast on NPR, it’s a little different than that article makes it. In the interview that went on the air, after Kulkarni says “boys with toys,” the NPR host, Joe Palca, interrupts him twice to question the use of the phrase. But nothing comes of it.

Others weren’t so forgiving. Others who are among the vast (yet far too small) number of women who work in engineering and science. Others, perhaps, who might have young daughters who want to be an engineer or a scientist but now might have to re-emphasize to them that it’s possible for a girl to dream of those things, even if that guy on the radio doesn’t include them in his joke.

There’s a good article over on Slate describing what happened next. Kate Clancy, an anthropologist at the University of Illinois, went to Twitter and posted some pictures of herself using scientific equipment. She used the hashtag #GirlsWithToys. Other women scientists and engineers saw it and joined in. Then more. Then a LOT more. #GirlsWithToys was a trending topic on Twitter all weekend, and I’m still seeing some posted today.

“Boys with toys.”

No one has called for Dr. Kulkarni’s head, his job, or even an apology. If he’s made any further comment, I’ve missed it. (Please put something in the comments if you’ve seen it, I would love to know about it.) The only response has been a large crowd of women (as well as men posting about their wives, daughters, mothers, and sisters) politely pointing out that a casual play on words is actually a sign of a much deeper problem. It’s a problem that runs so deep that for many people the first response was, “Really? They’re getting bent out of shape over that? It’s a joke, nothing more than a little rhyming phrase!”

Of course, there was a fair amount of pushback from the “men’s rights” advocates and rabid anti-feminist crowd. No surprise there, but the MRA crowd are the same pinheads and knuckledragging buffoons who were bent out of shape this weekend because they believe the new “Mad Max” film is a feminist propaganda film designed to emasculate the American male psyche. I don’t know about you, but that gives me a pretty accurate yardstick to show me how much credibility they have. Keep those clowns a long way away from me and we’ll be just fine.

But what about everyone else? If you’re a member of the first group, the “Really?” group, I would ask that you pause, avoid the instantaneous reaction, and give a closer look to the societal biases embedded so deep in a phrase like “boys with toys” that we don’t even see them any more. To make a quick quip, an alliterative play on words, 50% of the population got ignored, and when they point out the problem they get criticized for being thin skinned. Which is pretty meta if you think about it. Get casually dismissed with a turn of a phrase, protest, get told you’re wrong because you’re not being dismissed or silenced or ignored – and then get told to shut up and go away.

Yeah, maybe we might want to think about that just a bit.

Me? I’ve got two daughters who we’ve tried to raise to be as independent and strong-willed as possible. So I get it. I see why women were upset. I was upset.

Sunday, when the hashtag and tweets were still going strong, I started re-tweeting posts that I saw. Some were from women I know through Twitter, some were from colleagues of theirs, some were from total strangers. I limited myself to one example from each woman, and I stopped re-tweeting posts after the first sixty-six. I could have gone on all day, I could have posted six hundred and sixty-six. (More to follow after my tweets.)

I don’t want to live in a world where we can be punished for anything that comes out of our mouths. I don’t want us to turn into North Korea. I’m a huge fan of the First Amendment. I hate “political correctness.” I’m sure that I some times stick my foot in my mouth without realizing it.

None of that is what this is about. This is about realizing that there’s a problem in our society, and it’s a problem that needs to be addressed. It’s a problem that is embedded unconsciously into our society and our language, and we have to see it and recognize it before we can change it.

Look back over the last few articles about the NASA Armstrong event and what I’ve written recently about our space programs. Did anyone notice how I refer to “remotely-piloted” planes or “uncrewed spacecraft?” A year ago I would have said a “manned plane” or “manned mission” or “manned spacecraft.” It’s still a very common term.

It shouldn’t be. It’s not that hard to use language that’s inclusive.

I’ll defend to the death your right to not be forced to make the change – but I’ll think you’re a dinosaur who’s incapable of adapting and evolving while I’m fighting. You’ll be wrong in my book. I’m not saying we have to religiously refer to “manholes” as “personholes,” or ” or “firemen” as “firefighting personnel” – but that doesn’t mean that we can’t get into the habit of using a term like “maintenance hole” or “firefighter.”

There’s a whole list of words and phrases we don’t use any more (or at least we use much, much less) because those words and phrases hurt people. They make life hard for people. They subtly and subconsciously tell people that they’re less, that they’re not welcome, that they don’t deserve to think they’re the same as us.

Changing our language to consciously include everyone instead of subconsciously favoring a select group isn’t just a feminist intellectual exercise in outrage. It’s something that all of us should be putting an effort into to make the world a better place.

Especially if you’re being interviewed by NPR.

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Filed under Astronomy, Moral Outrage, Space

NASA Social For LEAPTech At NASA Armstrong (Part Five)

All good things must come to an end. After four days of writing about the NASA Social a week ago, showcasing the LEAPTech project at the NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center, it’s time to wrap things up.

Remember, you can see what LEAPTech is (“Leading Edge Asynchronous Propeller Technology”), go along as we went out onto the Rogers Dry Lake to see a LEAPTech live data collection run using HEIST, visit the F-15 hangar as well as the Subscale Flight Research Lab and the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle.

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Our next stop was at the Global Hawk hangar. These vehicles are modified military remotely-piloted vehicles that can be loaded up with whatever instruments are needed to gather data for extended periods of time. Often the data comes from places that are unsafe for a piloted aircraft, such as in or near or above a hurricane, thunderstorm, or volcano. Many of the observations that the Global Hawks are used for are done in concert with the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to study extreme weather events and to gather data to make better weather predictions. While the Global Hawk is not rugged enough to fly into a hurricane, it can be fitted with a whole cluster of radiosonde buoys which it drops into a hurricane from above, monitoring the data as the buoys descend through the storm.

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This panoramic view shows how long the wings are on the Global Hawk. The almost glider-like wings combined with a high-efficiency jet engine allow the Global Hawk to stay in the air for up to twenty-four hours. That requires three separate shifts of controllers and remote pilots, who can be based out of Edwards on the US west coast, Wallops on the US east coast, or in a remote mobile station.

The design similarities to a glider give the Global Hawk a great glide ratio, meaning that it can fly a long way if there’s an engine failure. That, combined with the fact that the Global Hawk flies at up to 65,000 feet, well above the commercial airliners, means that in an emergency it can reach a wide range of potential landing sites. While nominally controlled remotely, in an emergency that results in a communication failure, the Global Hawk has pre-programmed contingency procedures and limited autonomous abilities to keep itself safe and out of the way of other aircraft.

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Frank Butler is the Global Hawk program manager and was gracious enough to spend some time with us answering questions about the program.

While we were in here, where “here” is a big, hollow, echo-y, metal hangar, we heard two sonic booms. There is a high-speed corridor over the base in which military and test aircraft can be cleared to break Mach One, rattling those on the ground beneath them. Frank didn’t seem too bothered, but the rest of us jumped pretty good. That big, hollow, metal hangar really rings and rattles when the sonic boom hits! (I love hearing sonic booms, by the way. I know, big duh, huh?)

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Our last stop was in the Adaptive Compliant Trailing Edge project. Back in November we saw this program at the beginning of its testing. Now it’s finished that initial step and they’re getting ready to move on to the next, longer, and more complex step.

Also back in November, a tweet of mine (with a view very similar to this one) was picked up by CNN Online. My fifteen minutes of fame!

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The ACTE test pilot, Tim Williams, was there to answer our questions, as well as members of the engineering and design team. ACTE could be another revolutionary technology in how planes fly, replacing today’s flaps with surfaces that can flex and bend more like a bird’s wing. Not only could this be yet another factor in significantly reducing aircraft noise, but it could also make planes more efficient, reducing fuel used by several percent.

In the first testing phase, the flexible section of the wing was set to one position before each test flight was performed to collect data. In the next phase, a much more sophisticated and complex structure will be installed on the wing, which will allow them to not only change the shape in flight as needed, but also to change it in multiple sections. You might need the outside twisted up or down while the inside twists down or up, for example. This could move aerodynamic loading off of the wingtips where vortices are formed and drag is created and on to the wings near the plane’s body, where they’re much more efficient.

This next phase will be a three-year project but it should be fascinating to watch.

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Finally, I want to thank all of the speakers who shared their passion and projects with us. This is JoeBen Bevirt, the founder of Joby Aviation. Joby is one of the key partners in private industry working closely with NASA Armstrong to develop the LEAPTech system.

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We also got to meet and ask questions from a whole lineup of Joby and NASA Armstrong engineers and scientists. Here, from left to right, are Benjamin Schiltgen, David Cox, Bruce Cogan, Jeffrey Viken, Sean Clarke (Principal Investigator, designed the LEAPTech power train), Trevor Foster, Mark Moore (Principal Investigator), Andrew Gibson, JoeBen Bevirt (Joby Aviation founder), and Scott Berry (Joby Aviation).

Some of the “big picture” ideas put forward by JoeBen Bevirt and Mark Moore are truly revolutionary. (I’ll probably share them a bit and rant and speculate at some later date.) These are not people who dream small dreams.

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I’ve mentioned how much I love the work of Robert McCall. This is the second work of his that I’ve found in the NASA Armstrong buildings.

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This was in a lobby entrance area to one of the buildings. If I worked here, I imagine that I might often be found at lunchtime, just sitting and admiring all of the wonderful details here. Unless there was an airplane flying around, in which case I would be out watching it.

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Following the end of the NASA Social, after we got brought back off base and to our cars, some of us got together for dinner with our NASA Social hosts and hostesses. This particular place (Domingo’s Seafood & Mexican Restaurant) has been a haunt to astronaut crews training at Edwards and returning to Earth during Shuttle landings at Edwards. The walls contain many signed pictures of astronauts, test pilots, and flight crews. The fajitas were HOT, the atmosphere was fantastic, and the company was even better!


As always, a million thanks to the NASA Armstrong staff, lead by Kevin Rohrer, Kate Squires, and Kate Squires. They’re the ones who make these spectacular events happen and make it look seamless. (They are powerful wizards!) I also want to thank all of my fellow NASA Social attendees, who allowed me to pick their brains and learn from their experience as well, while also making new friends.

I look forward to my sixth NASA Social – soon.

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Filed under Flying, Panorama, Photography, Space

NASA Social For LEAPTech At NASA Armstrong (Part Four)

If you get a chance to go to a NASA Social, I recommend taking it. They’re wonderful! Last week I was lucky enough to attend my fifth. For this event we saw demonstrations of the LEAPTech project at the NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center. Friday I showed what LEAPTech is (“Leading Edge Asynchronous Propeller Technology”), Saturday I tried to take you along on our trip out onto the Rogers Dry Lake to watch a LEAPTech data run using HEIST, and yesterday our visit to the F-15 hangar was covered.

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The next stop was a wonderful place I first saw last November on my first NASA Social. Robert “Red” Jensen invited us into the Subscale Flight Research Lab (SFRL), where he’s been building remotely piloted, scale model aircraft for many years. If a mission or experiment is too dangerous, too untried, or too expensive to try with a full-sized, piloted aircraft, Red and his crew will build and fly a model to test the concept until it matures enough to step up to the full-sized, piloted stage.

In doing this, there are constantly needs for unique parts. Whether it is a structural part for a plane or just a case to hold some equipment in the plane, the SFRL is using 3D printing to quickly and cheaply build and test parts. Even if a part will eventually need to be machined, building it first with 3D printing lets you make sure that it’s correct, and make changes if necessary.

Behind Red in this picture you can see their 3D printer. It’s a big one, with a 10 x 10 x 10 inch printing cavity, and a manufacturing resolution of 1/10,000 inch. Not something that the average hobbyist will have, but it lets them do in hours or days what would take weeks or months if they had to do everything in steel or aluminum.

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Shelved for the moment in the SFRL are “Droid 1” and “Droid 2,” used in numerous previous experiments. There’s an excellent NASA video here that shows how “Droid 2” was used in development of AutoGCAS. (That’s “Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System” to you and me.)

I went into the AutoGCAS system at some length in my previous article, but the short version is that software has been developed to work with a plane’s autopilot and keep track of where the plane is compared to a 3D map. When a ground collision is imminent, AutoGCAS takes over from the pilot and flies the plane to safety (usually in a matter of seconds) before returning control to the pilot.

When the system was developed using “Droid 2” (see that video) the software and 3D map of the entire planet were put on a cellphone, which was used to control “Droid 2.” Yeah, a cellphone. One. No mainframes, no PCs, no huge, fancy computer systems. A cell phone.

This software is currently flying in many US military jets. Red told us that it has been credited with at least two “saves” in the past few months in aircraft involved in the Middle East, and there may be more that they don’t know about. In addition, a version is being worked on that will be available to private pilots (like myself) and while it won’t interface with the autopilot to take control, it will run on a tablet or smartphone to warn the pilot of imminent danger and to tell them which way to go to escape.

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Behind Red in this picture you can see his current big project, a newer, larger model to test the Prandtl wing design. (We’ll talk more about that below.) Student interns have opportunities to work in the SFRL (under staff supervision) to build models such as this. The Prandtl design is an interesting one and I’m looking forward to seeing where this next series of tests goes.

In the foreground you can see a octagonal (eight rotors) drone which is being assembled to monitor test flights from a new perspective. For example, the F-15’s we saw yesterday, flying at 600 mph, aren’t very good at chasing a scale model flying at 60 mph. But a drone like this could do it quite nicely.

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Here’s the camera rig on the bottom of the octagonal drone. These guys get to do the coolest things with the neatest toys! How do I get a job here?

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Following the SFRL tour, we were taken to get a close look at the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle (LLRV). Again, this is something that I had seen in November, but then it was mostly hidden back behind the original M2-F1 lifting body. That pioneer aircraft is now at the Museum of the Air Force in Dayton, so we got to get a much clearer view of the LLRV.

In that previous article I have links to a couple of videos about the history of this vehicle as well as other details. In brief, five of these aircraft were used during the Apollo program to train the astronauts to land on the moon. Neil Armstrong almost died when one went out of control (he ejected out, his parachute opened when he was just feet above the ground, he went back to his office and finished the afternoon as if nothing had happened) and all of the astronauts who landed on the moon trained in this vehicle or one of the others in Houston. In total, three of the five were destroyed in crashes, but they got the job done. Flying the LLRV turned out to be an excellent simulation for landing on the moon.

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The LLRV was powered by this General Electric CF-700-2V turbofan engine. It was mounted to point downward on a gimbal so that it could be pivoted and aimed through a wide range. There were also some very clever hardware-based simulation modes, which would automatically compensate for factors such as wind gusts, which of course would not be found on the lunar descent.

The engine had 4,200 pounds of thrust, but the LLRV with a pilot and fuel weighed almost 4,000 pounds, so the LLRV could barely get off the ground more than 500 feet, hover, maneuver, and land. The total time of a flight was usually only five to seven minutes, with a total flight endurance capacity of just ten minutes. After using all of the engine’s thrust to take off and climb to several hundred feet, the engine was throttled back to hover and simulate a descent to the lunar surface.

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The pilot’s compartment on the LLRV was sparse and designed to simulate the Apollo Lunar Module as much as possible. The controls were as close to the LM’s as possible. You can see how visibility in the pilot’s compartment was deliberately restricted, to closely match what the pilot would see on descent to the moon. Pitch, roll, and yaw were controlled by sixteen small hydrogen peroxide thrusters, mounted in pairs.

Large yellow and black striped handle connected to the ejection seat. In an emergency (three of the five vehicles had them and used the ejection seat) it would take the pilot out at 14 Gs to about 250. The seats developed for the LLRV were the first “zero-zero” ejection seats, meaning that they were designed to work on a vehicle with zero altitude and zero airspeed. Up until that time, ejection seats in military fighters primarily used small rockets or spring systems to simply get the pilot clear of the aircraft, assuming that once separated from the plane the plane would get out of the pilot’s way and there would be significant altitude for parachute deployment. A zero-zero seat on the other hand uses a much larger rocket and drives the pilot up and away from the aircraft, immediately and rapidly deploying the parachute, allowing it to be used even from a resting position.

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Above I talked about the new, larger Prandtl wing being built by Red Jensen in the SFRL. Here’s the smaller one, which was built by students in the SFRL in 2013 and recently finished its test program. This one is being boxed up to be sent to the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum in Washington, DC.

The Prandtl wing attempts to correct a basic flaw in every wing built, from the Wright Brothers onward. There’s a phenomenon known as “adverse yaw” which will swing the nose of the aircraft in the direction opposite of the direction of turn when the aircraft banks. In other words, if you turn left, the nose will try to swing right, and vice versa. In a conventional airplane, this is countered by use of the rudder or very fancy computer controls. (Think of the B-2 bombers for the latter.) If this isn’t done correctly, you get an “uncoordinated” turn, which can make your passengers queasy or be quite dangerous a low speeds. (Why am I hearing my flight instructor repeating “Step on the ball!!” over and over?)

On the other hand, as we were asked, have you ever seen a bird with a vertical stabilizer or rudder? Obviously not – so how do they do it? The answer might have been found by Ludwig Prandtl in the 1920s. Prandtl was a pioneering engineer and mathematician who developed many of the key concepts we use today in aerodynamics. His theoretical wing controls adverse yaw by using wingtip controls instead of a rudder. (Birds do it by using their muscles and feathers to warp and change the shape of the wing, creating a similar effect.)

NASA Armstrong will be testing their larger model in the upcoming months. Depending on how it goes, in thirty years your commercial airliner from LA to Dallas might be shaped more like an oversized B-2 flying wing instead of the standard “tube & wings” design. (Gee, wouldn’t it be more efficient in that design to use a LEAPTech design to power it? Hmmm… I’m seeing some synergies here.)

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This scale model of an F-15 fighter (1/4 scale?) was built and flown remotely to test multiple advanced systems that are now in everyday use on the aircraft still in service.

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The final thing in this hangar is that large wall mural you can see over on the far side behind the other NASA Social attendees in our group (and Kevin Rohrer leaning on the LLRV telling us about it). I wish that I had gotten a better picture of it, but the story we heard about it was just fascinating to me.

The mural was put together (it’s a composite photo) and from the start of the Shuttle program at Edwards it gathered mission patches and crew signatures. Beginning with the earliest “free flight” drop tests of Enterprise, all the way through the final Shuttle landing at Edwards with Discovery finishing the STS-128 mission in September 2009, crews and support staff would celebrate a successful mission by applying mission logos along the top and finding a place to sign.

To a geeky space cadet like myself, this makes the mural invaluable. To everyone at NASA Armstrong (then named NASA Dryden) it was something that was sort of in the way when they were remodeling. They of course didn’t just trash it, but it got cut out of the wall and stored here until they can figure out where to put it. It might go to another museum, such as the Museum of the Air Force, or to some other NASA facility. For now, it’s just gathering dust here with the LLRV.

(If they end up not being able to figure out what to do with it, they have my number. I’m thinking it would look FANTASTIC in my house somewhere. Just sayin’.)

(And no, I’m not sure that The Long-Suffering Wife would agree with that decorating choice, but she loves me and I’m sure we could figure it out. Right, dear?)

Tomorrow, I’ll finish up with two more stops on our tour of the Center and some final comments.

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NASA Social For LEAPTech At NASA Armstrong (Part Three)

I had the honor and the privilege of attending my fifth NASA Social last Tuesday. The presentations we saw regarding the LEAPTech project were done at the NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center. Friday I wrote about what LEAPTech (“Leading Edge Asynchronous Propeller Technology”) is and what the project is trying to discover and develop. Yesterday I wrote about our trip out onto the Rogers Dry Lake to see the HEIST experimental rig and two trips to collect LEAPTech data.

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In addition to the social media attendees at the Social, there were members of the more conventional media there. Here we see Mark Moore, the Principal Investigator for the LEAPTech project, being interviewed out on the lake bed by a reporter and cameraman from one of the local television stations.

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Photo by NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center

Before we went back to the conference center and main NASA Armstrong Center, all of the NASA Social attendees, the LEAPTech engineers and scientists, the NASA Armstrong staff, and everyone else got together in front of the HEIST for a group photo. (I’m standing, three or four folks to the right of center, in a light tan shirt, blue jeans, and my goofy “adventure” hat.)

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The surface of Rogers Dry Lake is bentonite, a rock-hard clay layer thousands of feet thick, left after these lakes dried up around 10,000 years ago. The surface is incredibly flat, varying less than eighteen inches over a distance of 30,000 feet. There are 44 acres of it on Rogers Dry Lake, and another 22 acres at the nearby Rosamond Dry Lake.

The Antelope Valley is a desert (as is Los Angeles, but that’s a different rant) so it’s almost always dry here. “Almost” is the key word. When it does rain for a couple of days, the water coming from much of the Antelope Valley pools on the lake bed, closing the “drawn” runways (the ones on the clay surface) temporarily, while the main concrete runway is always open.

If a significant portion of the lake stays under water for more than seven days, a local species of brine shrimp starts to hatch. That in turn brings huge flocks of birds in, including seagulls from the Pacific Ocean about seventy miles away. Those birds are in turn can be a major hazard to flight operations, since bird strikes on high speed aircraft are extremely fatal to the bird and dangerous to the plane and pilot. Next, the birds can cover everything in the area with droppings, another mess for planes and facilities. Finally, when the lake starts to dry up again, the shrimp lay their eggs to become dormant for the next rainy season — then the shrimp die, start to rot in the heat, and we’re told that the stench can be most powerful.

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Here you can see how the runways and other markings are “drawn” on the clay surface. It looks like some kind of tar or rubbery compound, and the lines are several feet wide. Not only are the runway lines drawn this way, but Edwards contains the world’s largest compass rose, which has been declared to be a National Historic Landmark.

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After lunch and some more Q&A with the LEAPTech scientists and engineers, we headed out to see some of the other activities at the NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center.

This is the entrance to the main building, and it might look vaguely familiar to anyone who grew up on 1960’s television. This building entrance was used by the “I Dream Of Jeanie” show as NASA Headquarters whenever they needed an establishing shot.

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There are legendary research aircraft all over the site, many of them in or near the parking lot, up on sticks. This is the Bell X-1E, the big brother of the Bell X-1 which Chuck Yeager used to break the sound barrier in 1947. The X-1 is on display in the main hall of the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum in Washington, along with Lindbergh’s “Spirit Of St Louis,” Spaceship One from Scaled Composites and Virgin Galactic, John Glenn’s Freedom 7 Mercury spacecraft, the Gemini IV spacecraft used for the first US spacewalk, and the Apollo 11 Command Module.

The X-1E flew from 1955 to 1958, piloted first by legendary USAF test pilot Joe Walker and later by NACA test pilot John McKay. Its maximum known speed was Mach 2.24, but it was chasing Mach 3 near the end of 1958. Its maximum known altitude reached was 73,000 feet, but again, it was chasing 90,000 feet.

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First stop on the Center Tour was the F-15 hangar. This is one of the newer aircraft, an F-15D. It will be flying for many years to come in support of NASA missions since there are hundreds of this model F-15 still flying. Most of them fly for other countries, but they’re still supported with spare parts and the information needed by the mechanics to keep them running safely.

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On the other hand, this F-15B model is older and has many fewer flying today, so parts are getting harder and more expensive to find. This is the oldest F-15 in NASA’s fleet, handed down from the Air Force when they stopped flying the F-15Bs. This is how NASA gets most of its aircraft of this nature – hand-me-downs from the military. On the other hand, it saves the taxpayers millions and avoids throwing away millions on a perfectly good plane that the military doesn’t want.

Because of the age and increasing difficulty in finding parts, this plane will likely be retired from NASA soon. I offered to see if the CAF could take it off their hands as a donation when the time comes – I got a blank stare. Seriously, guys, when the time comes, give me a call, let my people talk to your people. This would look GREAT flying out of Camarillo with our P-51, Spitfire, Zero, Bearcat, PBJ, and Hellcat! (Seriously!) It would be so much a better fate than putting it up on a stick in a parking lot!

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The business end of the F-15B. This probe sticks out about ten feet in front of the aircraft to get air data in still air, prior to the air being roiled up by this honkin’ huge plane flying through it at Mach something-or-the-other. All of those fluorescent orange and red pennants are connected to safety locks and plugs in or covering openings. Those locks, plugs, and covers keep the aircraft safe when it’s on the ground an not being used for long periods — but they MUST be removed before the plane can go fly again. That’s why all of the pennants say “Remove Before Flight!” (Even little planes use them.)

These F-15s are used for collecting data for instruments designed by others as well as flying NASA missions as chase planes for other experimental aircraft. For example, when the early Space Shuttle “free flight” drop tests were performed at Edwards, as well as the first Shuttle landings from orbit, planes such as these would fly alongside to watch for problems and radio information to the pilots. Today these planes (along with others in the NASA fleet) are used to monitor other test flights and experimental aircraft.

As far as collecting data goes, other groups working with NASA (such as universities or corporate partners) design instruments to collect their data, with their experiments sized to fit into the F-15 or under the wings. NASA pilots will fly the pre-arranged mission to wherever the data needs to be collected, depending on the needs of the researchers.

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Finally, this was a point of considerable interest and fascination to several Social attendees. Yes, this picture is oriented correctly, that is an exit door forty or fifty feet up in the air.

This hangar has a single, huge door that swings up out of the way to let planes in or out, or to let roaming packs of NASA Social attendees peer in at the planes. When the huge hangar doors are closed, there are exit doors built into what is now a huge fourth wall of the hangar. When the doors open up, the exit door just dangles up there like a low-tech predecessor to a “Portal” door. (Even at NASA, the cake is still a lie. But we did have doughnuts and cookies.)

Tomorrow, more stops on the tour of the NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center.

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NASA Social For LEAPTech At NASA Armstrong (Part Two)

This week I attended my fifth NASA Social. At the NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center the main focus was the LEAPTech project. Yesterday I wrote about what LEAPTech (“Leading Edge Asynchronous Propeller Technology”) is and what it has the potential to mean in the not-so-distant future. Once we had seen presentations from several of the project scientists and engineers, we headed out onto Rogers Dry Lake to see a test run of the initial LEAPTech test rig.

Due to the nature of the work being done there by the Air Force and NASA Armstrong, one does not normally get access to the lake bed at Edwards Air Force Base unless one works there, has a security clearance, and has a reason to be out there. As has happened at every NASA Social I’ve attended, this was a point where the “geeky, über-cool” factor ratcheted up a couple of notches.

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Once out on the lake bed runway, we got our first opportunity to see the test rig up close and personal. As you can see, it’s a basic, heavy-duty truck rig that’s been modified quite a bit. The two primary modifications in the HEIST (“Hybrid-Electric Integrated System Testbed”) serve to lift the wing up out of “ground effect” and into “clean air”, and to dampen out almost all of the vibrations and bumps coming from the rolling truck body.

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From the front you can see that this test setup has eighteen props. It’s quite a departure from the normal one or two big engines on today’s propeller-driven airplanes. It’s hoped that the difference will allow a 500% increase in power efficiency, a huge increase in low-speed maneuverability and stability, and a drastic reduction in the noise created by the propellers.

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This is what a couple dozen NASA Social members look like taking pictures, taking selfies, tweeting, Instagramming, FaceBooking, and so on.

We were fortunate that it was only about 75°F out there, although the wind was a real pain. As with any desert locale, in the winter it can be brutally cold out here, and in the summer it can be way, way over 100°F.

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Here you can see the propellers on one side of the test wing. Notice that the propellers on alternating blades are counter-rotating. Also notice the video camera rig on the top and all of the data cables coming down the support framework.

If this wing seems small, note that one of the aspects of LEAPTech is that the added efficiency of the design in generating lift will hopefully allow a significant reduction in the size of the wing. The wing, propellers, and test rig here are smaller than they would be on a two- or four-person aircraft, but not by much.

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As mentioned yesterday, in designing their tests to be carried out this way in the real world, the LEAPTech team is able to quickly test a whole range of variables quickly and much more cheaply than they could using a wind tunnel.

For example, in testing for noise reductions or power output, does it matter if the blades counter-rotate? Does it matter if every other one counter-rotates or is there another pattern that gives better performance? Is it better to have all the props the same size, or should they be larger on the inside, or on the outside? How does changing the arrangement and size of the propellers affect the loading on the wing and the amount of lift generated?

These are all questions that can be put into mathematical models, but models all have assumptions and approximations built in them. By comparing the models’ predictions against the real world data, the models can be refined and improved. The models in turn can then be counted on to give more reliable predictions. This feedback between the two systems is a powerful way to make significant progress quickly.

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Once we’re all done taking pictures, it’s time to back off a few hundred meters for safety reasons. Safety is a key component of everything they do at NASA Armstrong and Edwards Air Force Base. We saw this all the time during our stay – FOD removal & control, safety briefings, insistence that we all slather ourselves in sunblock before going out onto the lake bed, and other precautions were constantly in place to make sure everything went smoothly and safely.

It obviously paid off. We didn’t have a single casualty among the NASA Social attendees!

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The HEIST rig trundled off a mile or more down the runway, soon visible only the the tiny cloud of dust that it was kicking up. It was soon lost in the mirage on the lake bed surface. After we all got our camera gear ready, we got the heads-up from one of the test engineers that the run had started. Again we could see that tiny plume of dust, but now it was coming toward us.

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There was a wicked wind coming from the north (our right) and on this run the HEIST was running almost directly into the wind. This was a relatively low speed test as measured by the rig’s ground speed, 40 mph. By going directly into the 27 mph wind, the effective speed of the air over the wing was 67 mph.

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After disappearing into the distance to the north, after a minute or so we got the word that the HEIST was coming back. This time with the wind at their back, they were driving along at 65 mph, but with the 27 mph wind at their back, their effective speed of air over the wing was only 38 mph. That gives them a nice range of data sets. From our vantage point standing still near the runway, we saw only the difference between the 40 mph first run and the 65 mph second.

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After the runs were over we got one more chance to take pictures and ask questions out on the lake bed. Then it was back on the bus (in a non-sunburned conditioned we hoped, after putting on all of that sunblock goop and, as one person put it, “smelling like the crowd at Santa Monica beach”) and back to the conference center for lunch and more Q&A with the project engineers and scientists.

Tomorrow, a couple more notes on the lake bed, then we’re off to see some of the other aircraft and projects being run by NASA Armstrong.

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NASA Social For LEAPTech At NASA Armstrong (Part One)

On Tuesday this week I had the opportunity to attend my fifth NASA Social. This time I was back at the NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base, about ninety minutes north of Los Angeles in the Antelope Valley.

The main focus of this NASA Social was the LEAPTech project. LEAPTech stands for “Leading Edge Asynchronous Propeller Technology.” We’ll get to what that means.

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When we were out here for the “FlyNASA” event in November, there were some delays in getting us all on base in our individual cars. This time we met off base and were brought in on an Air Force bus, which made it a piece of cake.

These events start early. We were at the sign to be picked up at 0700, which for me meant being out of bed at 0345 and picking up other Social attendees at 0600 (many folks coming in from out of town didn’t have cars). There aren’t many things I’ll happily get up that early for – a NASA Social is one of them.

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This is where they store the nation’s strategic reserve of flat, hard, and empty.

Edwards Air Force Base is centered around the Rogers Dry Lake, an ancient lake that long ago dried up and left a really big, really hard, and really flat surface. That’s perfect if you want to test aircraft that might be having any sort of emergency and need to land whenever and wherever they can. No need for any conventional paved runways, although they do have four of them. All of the other runways (over a dozen) are simply lines laid out on the lake bad.

That’s perfect if you have an experimental aircraft (or spacecraft) that might need more room to land than a conventional paved runway has, or might not be able to hit the runway exactly on the mark. You’re a little bit sideways? No worries. You need to land long and then roll for a few miles? No worries. This is why the first Space Shuttle “drop tests” or “free flight tests” were done here, the first two Shuttle flights landed here, with a total of 54 Shuttle landings at Edwards.

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Once at the Armstrong Flight Research Center, we got checked in and made official. (Yeah, there’s a typo in my name, but they’re not the first and won’t be the last.)

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The public information office at Armstrong is lead by Kevin Rohrer (at left), and this NASA Social was the first one run by Anna Kelley (at right). We got introduced to each other, got settled in, and got started.

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Dennis Hines, Director of Programs at NASA Armstrong, welcomed us and started to introduce us to LEAPTech.

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NASA Armstrong has six primary research goals. All of them are important for our air traffic control system and next generation aircraft designs, but some are more “flashy” than others. For example, item #2 there, “Innovation in Commercial Supersonic Aircraft,” is finding ways to reduce sonic booms to the point where commercial aircraft can fly over land without bothering people at the surface. This will allow future aircraft to fly supersonic anywhere, not just over the oceans like the British/French Concorde did.

The LEAPTech program falls under both the “Ultra-Efficient Commercial Vehicles” and “Transition to Low-Carbon Propulsion” areas. Put as simply as possible, LEAPTech is trying to replace today’s two or four huge jet engines slung under the aircraft wing with an array of much smaller engines placed along the leading edge of the wing.

This has a lot of potential benefits. It will let the wing be smaller but with better handling and maneuverability, particularly at low speeds. It will be more efficient, by a factor of five or more. It will use electricity from batteries (much like today’s electric cars) instead of fossil fuels. Best of all, it will be much, much more quiet than today’s jet engines.

The efficiency gains come from the more efficient nature of electric power versus jet engines. Today’s best jet engines are only about 23% efficient in turning energy (fuel) into thrust, where electrical motors are more than 97% efficient. When you add in the gains from having a smaller and more efficient wing, you can get up to a factor of five improvement.

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Testing the LEAPTech concept is the first hurdle to clear. This is a small program, working fast and cheap. A more conventional program might test its designs in a wind tunnel. But wind tunnel facilities are expensive and access is limited. It could take two years just to get on the schedule, and the testing there would be bigger than the entire budget for the program.

Instead they’re taking an idea used by Scaled Composites in Mojave when they were designing some of the Virgin Galactic vehicles. Instead of going to a very controlled, rigid, and expensive test environment in a wind tunnel, they simply built their hardware, put it onto the top of a truck, and ran it along the runway. By taking data in the real world, being quick and flexible in making changes and repeating the tests, they were able to move ahead much more quickly on their project.

LEAPTech took the Scaled Composites idea and upgraded it to benefit from some of the lessons that Scaled learned. Out of that came HEIST, the “Hybrid-Electric Integrated Systems Testbed.” It puts the LEAPTech wing and engines higher off the ground and out of ground effect (a phenomenon that affects an aircraft’s lift when very near the ground). They also found ways to stabilize the test rig, isolating it from the truck body so that vibrations and bumps from the running vehicle won’t affect the data being collected.

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Starr Ginn and Mark Moore (the project’s Principal Investigator) gave us the big picture of how LEAPTech will work and why it’s such a big deal. For example, you know those winglets on the tips of almost every commercial jet these days? Those were developed by NASA Armstrong and save about 3% in fuel for the airlines. That might not seem like much, but for someone like United or American Airlines, 3% savings on fuel can be billions of dollars over a couple of years. So what if some of this technology can save 10% in the 2020’s?

The other big deal is the noise reduction. A typical propeller has 300 or so horsepower going into three or four blades. That’s about 100 horsepower per blade, a lot of which is turned into noise, and the blades are all putting out noise at the same frequency, multiplying the effect. That’s why propeller planes can be so loud. (As someone who loves the sound of our P-51, Bearcat, or Spitfire roaring to life at the CAF, I don’t see what the problem is, but maybe it’s not about me.)

Now replace that one or two props with eighteen much smaller ones, each with five blades. Each engine has only forty or fifty horsepower, spread out over five blades, so each blade makes much less noise to begin with. Instead of a roar, the sound is more like a loud cloud of buzzing bees. That’s when the “Asynchronous” part of LEAPTech comes in. With the electric motors, you can have each propeller spinning at a slightly different frequency without losing thrust. By doing that, you spread the noise out even more. The final sound ends up sounding a lot like the old Jetsons’ car.

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Having met a whole slew of project engineers and scientists and seen dozens of slides and charts, it was time to see the real deal. We got back on the bus and headed out toward the lake bed. While we were stopped to wait for clearance and to check the bus tires for FOD (Foreign Object Debris), Mark Moore answered questions. He’s a really passionate guy about this project!

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Finally, just before we got out on the lake, we got our first view of HEIST and the LEAPTech rig on top of it. It was time to follow them out and see some actual engineering and science being done.

Tomorrow, the lake bed and the test run.

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Yet More Weird, Weird Weather

The LEAPTech NASA Social pictures and articles are coming. 295 pictures (plus more than an hour of video) are being whittled down to about three dozen images, to be combined with the story behind them all, probably in a four-part report. That’s not quite done yet.

This week’s Flash Fiction from Chuck Wendig, which I’ve missed for about a month now? Yeah, right. Maybe that’s not happening again this week either.


At risk of simply “talking about the weather” — Jeeze Louise, did you see the rain coming down today in SoCal?!

If you haven’t spent a few years in the region, you can’t really grasp just how unusual it is to get rain here at this time of year. It’s not quite “sign of the impending Apocalypse” unusual, but it’s definitely “holy crap what’s going on here” unusual. Especially while we’re in this four-year drought and getting about 1% of the rain we normally get in the “rainy season.”

Today I was out at the CAF hangar, playing catch up. The rain out in Camarillo was significant, and being that I was in a huge, mostly empty, metal echo chamber, the noise was impressive as well. I was involved with my accounting stuff and really hadn’t noticed that everyone else had left, so when the next wave of really heavy showers hit, I was surprised to find myself alone.

It’s a little hard to hear, but at about the 12-second point the noise went from really loud to really, REALLY loud. (And doesn’t that Spitfire look gorgeous? I love that plane, I really do.) After the dash through the ops office to get a view outside, you can also see a small plane on short final off in the distance. It looked like a Cessna 150 or 172, and in that weather he had to really have his hands full. I saw him taxi by a little later so he got down OK, but the pilot might need a change of pants.

An hour or so later, after it had tailed off a bit, I made my dash to the car. The Camarillo area was in a relatively calm spot, but there were awesome and ominous clouds all around. To the north, toward the coastal mountains…


…and toward the south and the ocean about five miles away.


Finally, I made it home (through scattered showers) just to have it start to absolutely pour again just as I was turning into the driveway. (Timing is everything!) In addition, soon after we got an hour or so of lightning and thunder, always a favorite of mine. (Really — not being snarky.)

For those of you where this kind of weather is known as “Thursday,” I hope you’ll forgive the “gee whiz” factor here. I grew up with “normal” weather and loved it when it got a little bit active. After more than forty years in SoCal, with its extremely muted climate, this is great stuff.

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Filed under CAF, Panorama, Photography, Video, Weather

Paying The Price

An issue with going to North Carolina for a week then going to Washington for a week and then going to the Angels game on Saturday and then going to the NASA Social yesterday is that there are all of those other day-in, day-out things that get shoved to the side. I’m sure that Elon Musk or Bill Gates can have someone else worry about the little details of life and have adventures and excitement every day, but the rest of us can only put things off for so long.

Today was a day to start paying the piper, and there may be a few of them coming up. Some deadlines I’ve blissfully ignored and appointments that have been pushed onto the back burner are now demanding their time. Oh, yeah, and my brother and his wife are coming in on Saturday…

The end result is that, despite best intentions, it might be a day or so before I get the NASA Social pictures sorted and my notes in order and the article(s) written up.

I’m dancing as fast as I can, as they say.

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Long, Wonderful Day At NASA Armstrong

…and I’m going to tell you all about it with lots of pictures.

Tomorrow. (Probably.)

Today I was up at 0345AM, drove to Lancaster, picked up a group of fellow NASA Social attendees at the hotel they were using for out-of-town members, spent all day seeing wonderful things and becoming much better informed and possibly wiser, going out to a great dinner with many of the NASA Social group, then driving home. It’s now 2157PM and I don’t think I can spell wurds any moore.

Here’s a taste, a McCall original that I hadn’t seen there before. I think I’ve mentioned how much I love McCall’s work.


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